Sunday, May 22, 2011


My cousin was in middle school when he was highly addicted to playing games on the internet. It became a habit where he had to play everyday and would get very mad if he didn't pass the game successfully. He would play many hours per day. He had many late nights trying to play every single game and had to win them all. The consequences to that was that he started to do poorly on homework assignments or would not even do them at all. His concern really became just achieving his wins online. It affected his social life as well. He would avoid phone calls, hanging out with friends, and even spending time with family. When it came to the end of the year, he was at risk of not graduating and going to high school. That's when his parents stepped in and would not let him go on the computer until all his school work was done. They even took his xbox and all other gaming systems. That did teach him that he can't dedicate his entire life on games. He realized school was important and also having a social life.

I do remember one game website he used back when we were in middle and it was it is something all the students would play at school in the library, computer class, or at home.

1 comment:

  1. Your cousin's story hits too close to home for me! I'm glad the parents took drastic actions.
